Playwright David Mamet claims on Fox News that teachers 'are inclined' toward pedophilia

Mamet's remarks are "a repulsive demonization of the very people who have been the lifeline to our kids," teachers' union president Randi Weingarten said.

Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright David Mamet fights in the classroom culture wars by claiming that teachers are "leaning" toward pedophilia and that students are being "prepared" for sexual abuse – offering no evidence to support his allegations. Happened.

Echoing the lines of attack used by Republican politicians of late to push for legislation banning discussion of sexual orientation or gender identity in classrooms, Mamet insisted "we have to take back control."

"We have kids not only being induced, but in a very real sense, being sexual predators, whether they know it or not," Mamet said during a Fox News interview on Sunday. "Are they physically abusing kids? No, I don't think so. But they're mentally torturing them and using sex to do that. That's always been the problem with education. Teachers are inclined, especially men because men are hunters, to pedophilia."

Mamet, who has been hitting the airwaves to promote her new book, "Receptional: The Death of Free Speech and the Cost of a Free Lunch," did not cite any sources to support her claims, nor did she. His claim was challenged by host Mark Levine. ,

American Federation of Teachers President Randy Weingarten called Mamet's remarks "a repulsive demonization of those who have been lifelines for our children."

"This teacher demonstration is dangerous for our teachers and their students and must be stopped," Weingarten said in a statement. "Meanwhile, teachers will continue to do their bit to create opportunity and happiness for every child in this country, and it overcomes anger, fear, and gross misinformation every time."

NBC News has contacted Mamet through his attorney for further comment.

David Finkelhor, head of the Crimes Against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire, said that "it is well established that most, but not all, sexual abusers against children are men."

"Schools, however, are not a particularly high-risk environment for sexual abuse by adults," Finkelhor wrote in an email. "The majority of adult sexual abusers in a child's life come from family, family friends, acquaintances, and neighbors."

Furthermore, Finkelhor said, "providing sexuality education in school based on a professionally designed curriculum is not a typical 'aesthetic' scenario."

"Grooming is when adults try to create an intimate one-on-one encounter with a child," Finkelhor wrote. "Sex education in schools that includes information about appropriate and inappropriate behavior is key to preventing sexual abuse because many families don't do a good job of it."

Michelle Garbedian, the "spotlight" attorney who led the charge against violent Roman Catholic clergy in Boston, also took note of Mamet's claims.

"Wherever pedophile kids are, whether it's in the neighborhood, school, Boy Scouts, religious institution, or any other area or institution," Garabedian said in an emailed response to a question from NBC News. "The inclination to sexually abuse a child is not primarily related to an occupation. And that's why the full supervision of adults is so important."

Mamet, whose classic play "American Buffalo" is back on Broadway with a star-studded cast, is the latest right-wing ideologue to use the same bogus claims to build public support for the bills, as recently in Florida. Signed by Govt. Ron DeSantis that opponents have dubbed the "Don't Say Gay" bill.

DeSantis' press secretary Christina Pusha called the bill an "anti-grooming" law on Twitter last month.

That Florida bill includes an explicit ban on teaching children about sexual orientation or gender identity in kindergarten through third grade and limits on content for older students that is "appropriate or developmental for students according to state standards." are not suitable for."

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