In Jimmy Savile: A British Horror Story, producers say Savile was an unofficial public relations advisor to Charles.
English media personality Sir Jimmy Saville sexually abused hundreds of victims throughout his life. News of the abuse - the Metropolitan Police put the total number of victims at 589, with their victims being under 18 - only emerged after his death, and his life and crimes were detailed in Netflix's Jimmy Seville: A British Horror. has gone. Story, a mini-series directed by Rowan Deacon.
A revelation from the new Netflix documentary is Savile's decades-long association with Prince Charles. According to the Times, the deacon "gained access to dozens of letters in which the prince regularly sought guidance from the presenter."
On January 14, 1987, Prince Charles wrote to Saville, "Maybe I'm wrong, but you're the one who knows what's going on. I really need a list of your suggestions. I'm going to get to parts of it." I want a country where other people can't reach." Between 1986 and 2006, Savile reportedly acted as an informal advisor to Charles.
In 1989, Savile wrote "Guidelines for Members of the Royal Family and Their Staff", a five-page document detailing what he believed the royal family should "respond to important events". " In a note from Charles to Saville, he said he showed the memorandum on the disasters to Prince Philip and his father, who, in turn, showed it to Queen Elizabeth.
Jimmy Saville: A British Horror Story filmmakers believe the document was in response to Prince Andrew's comments after the Lockerbie disaster, when he said, "I think statistically something like this has to happen on some level... .. Of course this only affects the community in a very small way."
“It sparked a discussion about how the royal family should respond to disasters,” the director told the Times. "This dossier, written by Jimmy Savile, is a fairly in-depth document of advice on how the Queen should behave and how members of the Royal Family should not be in competition with each other."
In an April 16, 1990 letter, Charles says, "You are very good at understanding what drives people and you are amazingly skeptical and pragmatic! Can you take a look at the draft and tell me?" How do you think we can do the best we can to appeal to people on this score?" In another letter dated July 4, 1991, Charles writes, "Dear Jimmy, I cannot tell you how grateful I am for your most useful assistance ... provided for my speech at the Guildhall the other day. "
Like the rest of Britain, Prince Charles probably had no idea about Saville's crimes.
"He was duped, like we all were," Deacon says. "The letters show the trust that Prince Charles put in Jimmy Saville. He was trying to appeal to the British people, trying to modernize. And he saw Jimmy Saville as his conduit for it. In the end, it was disastrous."