National Walking Day offers the opportunity to spend time with children without electronics

It is spring and National Walking Day! Get out and enjoy the scenery and one another's company.

It is spring, which means the weather has started to warm in many parts of the country, the grass is melting from the snow and the flowers are blooming. Instead of spending time inside at a screen, kids and parents alike should get outside and enjoy the fresh air and each other's company. And because it's National Walking Day, it's the perfect day to take the opportunity to spend some time with the kids without electronics.

The use of screen time has increased rapidly in the last few years. Because of this, the entire focus of families is on some electronic one rather than the other. This means that the relationship between parents and children is such that when they spend time in each other's presence, they do not pay attention to what each is saying and they miss valuable moments. which they cannot get back. When there is not that much time with each other in future, something may happen that all the parties will have to repent.

What is National Walking Day?

National Walking Day is a calendar holiday sponsored by the American Heart Association. According to the national day calendar, it is a day for people of all ages to get out and move their bodies.

The goal is to get out and walk for 30 minutes. Then take stock of how good the body feels by doing a little exercise.

National Walking Day was started in 2007 by the American Heart Association to help focus on 30 minutes of activity per day, according to a publication. While most Americans don't get this activity and live a fairly sedentary lifestyle, perhaps this National Walking Day could be the inspiration for both parents and kids to bump up their daily activity and get some quality time together at the same time. need to spend.

Why walking is good for kids

According to the Better Health Channel, most people know that if they walk regularly, they reduce their risk of things like heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes and a better quality of life. What may not be well known is why it is good for children to get out and walk daily.

According to The Scientific World, when children go for a daily walk, they are not only helping to reduce their risk of suffering from childhood obesity, but also keeping them in a better mood, making them more successful in school. , help them relax, makes their imagination come alive, and much more.

Therefore, taking a little time daily to turn off the electronics and take in the beauty of the great outdoors is not only good for the mind, but also for the body.

How screen time is good for kids and parents

Most of the attention of late has been on the harmful side effects of children spending so much time in front of screens. While there are theories on how bad screens really are, it can't be disputed that kids are on their electronics all the time, that's less time that they're spending with their families. And this is a time that can never be put back on the line.

According to The Atlantic, what isn't watched so closely is that parents spend as much time on electronics as they do, especially when they're around their kids.

While parents are more physically present for their children than ever before, they are no longer emotionally present, according to the publication. When this happens, parents become aware of what is happening to their children and children compete to get their parents' attention. And unfortunately, most of the time, it's the screen that wins the battle whereby kids act to get their parents' attention that they can possibly get.

Away from electronics and screen time, parents and kids have the opportunity to really hear each other and bond. When this happens, the reliance on screen may take over. And as parents and kids spend more time together, screens become less important. Something that can be accomplished this National Walking Day by taking the first step together.

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