Matt Gaetz and Defense Secretary arguing about US military abilities and 'Wokeism'

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Representative Matt Getz got into a heated argument during Tuesday's House Armed Services hearing, when Florida Republicans accused the Pentagon of focusing too much on "awareness," not defense.

Austin alleged that Getz appeared to be "ashamed of his country" by questioning the capability of the US military, and the two men shouted at each other at several points.

"It is the most capable, most combat critical force in the world, it has been so and this budget helps us do that," Austin said.

Gaetz alleged, "Not if we continue down this path. Not if we continue to pursue socialism."

"The fact that you're ashamed of your country, your military. I'm sorry for that," Austin shot back.

"Oh no, I'm ashamed of your leadership," Gaetz replied. "I am not ashamed of my country."

Getz began his remarks by pointing to a National Defense University lecture on socialism, before arguing that the US military had fallen behind China on hypersonic weapons.

"What do you mean? We're behind in hypersonics? How do you measure that?" Austin replied to Getz.

"Your own people told us we were behind and China was winning," Gaetz replied.

CNN reported Monday that the US successfully test-fired a hypersonic missile in mid-March, but kept it silent for two weeks to avoid escalating tensions with Russia as President Joe Biden in Europe, according to a defense official familiar with the matter. were about to travel.

A month after the first successful test, the US suffered a setback when a test of a different hypersonic system failed. The failure came after reports emerged that China had successfully tested a hypersonic glide vehicle in the summer and shortly thereafter Russia claimed to have successfully tested its submarine-launched hypersonic missile, called the Tsirkon.

Getz said the Pentagon "got it wrong" in predicting that Russia would annihilate Ukraine within days and the Taliban would not control Afghanistan last year.

"You totally blew those calls and maybe we'd be better on them if the National Defense University actually worked a little more on strategy and a little less on awareness," Gaetz said.

"Has it happened to you that Russia hasn't overtaken Ukraine because of what we've done and what our allies have done? Have you ever thought about that?" Austin asked.

Getz has previously engaged with Pentagon leaders in congressional hearings on issues of culture, such as the important race doctrine in the military.

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