Leonard, Warren chose to the JC school board

Erica Leonard and Anne Blomke-Warren were elected to the Jefferson City School Board on Tuesday.

Leonard won 4,397 votes (31.27 percent), Blomke-Warren got 3,388 (24.10 percent), Adam Gresham got 3,303 (23.49 percent) and Ellinger got 2,966 (21.09 percent).

In total, 14,061 votes were cast in the school district, which includes parts of Cole and Callaway counties. Seven write-in votes were cast. In Cole County, 12,671 votes were cast and Callaway received 1,390 votes.

In Cole County, Blomke-Warren got 3,041 votes (24 percent), Gresham got 2,971 (23.45 percent), Ellinger got 2,672 (21.09 percent) and Leonard got 3,987 (31.47 percent).

In Callaway County, Blomke-Warren got 347 votes (24.96 percent), Gresham got 332 (23.88 percent), Ellinger got 294 (21.15 percent) and Leonard got 410 (29.5 percent).

The two positions were vacant since Stephanie Johnson and Lorelei Schwartz did not seek re-election.

Erica Leonard, a contract lobbyist with Bardgate and Associates Inc., has prioritized improving academics, being a voice for parents, and protecting tax dollars.

"Thank you to the voters of Jefferson City and Holts Summit," she said. "I am extremely honored that I have been given the opportunity to take on this volunteer role with the JC School Board. I can't wait to get started."

Anne Blomke-Warren, a grant writer and manager for the Missouri State Public Health Lab, has prioritized addressing educational success, teacher retention and better representation of the make-up and values ​​of the community and equity of facilities across the district.

“I am very excited to move forward with my service across the board and look forward to serving the community of Jeff City,” she said. "I have a lot of time left in the schools with my daughter, so I will do anything I can to make sure our teachers feel like our students are getting a better education."

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