Truck Convoy Expected to Protest in DC Area

A trucker convoy spotted in Hagerstown, Maryland, is expected to make its way into the Capital Beltway in protest of COVID-19 mandates

A long line of 18-wheelers surrounded by pedestrians is seen in Hagerstown, Maryland, on Saturday morning as protests were forced into the Washington, D.C., area that could disrupt traffic.

People's convoy is protesting against the mandate related to COVID-19. NBC News reported that it has picked up hundreds of cars and several trucks since it left a rural parking lot in Adelanto, California, on February 22.

"I want the government to know that this is not okay," said protester Cory Polanek.

DC's Department of Homeland Security says the convoy could disrupt traffic around the district later this week. But organizers say they have no plans to close the Beltway or other roads.

The group staged in Hagerstown on Friday evening. On Saturday morning, Chopper4 video captured trucks and other vehicles stretching nearly three miles toward Interstate 81 in the Hagerstown area.

Two cranes hoisted a large American flag as several semitrucks went down. Some pedestrians lined the road and flashing lights were seen from police vehicles.

Chopper 4 reporter Brad Freitas said about 9 a.m., "We're seeing hundreds of trucks heading to Hagerstown Speedway, and a large number of locals are also present to welcome them."

Following recent truck drivers protests in Canada, several protest groups have planned to come to the district in recent weeks. So far there has been no significant obstruction in the traffic.

The People's convoy appears to be larger than other groups. According to his website, he had planned to drive for the capital Beltway on Saturday.

Federal and local law enforcement have said repeatedly that they are aware that truck convoys are planning to visit the area, and those agencies are prepared.

The Defense Department said that approximately 700 National Guard contingents, about 400 from DC and 300 from outside the district, were made available to "provide support, provide command and control, and cover continuity requirements at designated traffic posts". Was.

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