Russia-Ukraine War: Russo-Ukraine war may drag on for a week, delay in capture of Kyiv

Russia-Ukraine War: Earlier Russia was likely to occupy Ukraine within two days, but even after six days the fight between Ukraine and Russia has not reached any point. Defense experts say that the Russian army has now reached all around Kyiv. So it is likely that the capture of Kyiv will not take much longer. But if Russia is not able to capture Kyiv, then the war can drag on for several days. However, sources related to Russia claim that by March 7, Russia will completely take over Ukraine.

Defense expert Lt Gen Rajendra Singh said that Russia's assessment of the occupation of Ukraine did not turn out to be correct. Apart from this, some other reasons also arose in the meantime. As the citizens of Ukraine also jumped into the war, Ukraine also started getting help from many countries. Third, Russia is also under pressure from the international community, so it tries to minimize civilian casualties in war. So Russia is not at war with that aggression. Due to all these reasons the war is prolonging. It may take another week to reach this point.

Singh said that it is clear that Russia is not going to back down under any circumstances. There are only two conditions for the end of the war, one should Ukraine surrender and the other Russia should occupy it. He said that it may take some more time, but it will not be much as it will not be easy for Ukraine to keep fighting for long. The threat of a war erupting or a world war-like threat is negligible as NATO forces have already clarified their position. But the loss of this war will be for the whole world. The longer the battle lasts, the more damage will increase.

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