Ukraine: Central Europe braces for millions of refugees after Russia invasion

Poland is setting up reception points on the border while nations including Finland and Germany vow to help

Central Europe prepares for the arrival of millions of Ukrainians following a Russian invasion, Poland has set up welcome points along the border and leaders of the continent have pledged help.

Poland is set to welcome nearly one million people into the country, and began setting up eight welcome points for refugees along its border with Ukraine on Thursday morning after Russia launched an all-out invasion of its neighboring region by land, air and sea. done.

Political leaders of Finland, Germany, Moldova and Slovakia also pledged their support for the refugees. The Czech foreign minister denounced Vladimir Putin's actions as "barbaric acts of aggression" and Poland called for "the most severe possible sanctions" against Russia.

His remarks came after the US warned that five million people could be displaced as a result of the invasion and trigger one of the world's biggest refugee crises.

Major roads outside Ukraine's capital Kiev were blocked on Thursday morning as thousands tried to flee the city.

"In the next few hours, welcome points will be created for refugees from Ukraine," PAP news agency quoted Polish Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Pavel Sfernaker, as saying.

He said that initially eight points would be made to provide medical aid, food and information.

Ukrainians began breaking into Poland via the Medica crossing on Thursday morning, carrying some belongings and accompanied by children. Alexander Bazanov, 34, fled with his wife and young child from their home in Mariupol, eastern Ukraine, taking only what they could carry.

He said: "I have no emotion other than feeling very scared. I will go to Spain to visit my father but I have no money and I don't know how to do it.

Finland's Prime Minister Sanna Marin said her country was ready to receive the refugees at a news conference. Ms Marin estimated that a large number of people are trying to flee to the European Union, where Ukrainians can travel visa-free.

"[Finland's] interior ministry for its part is preparing to receive refugees from Ukraine," she told reporters.

Moldova's President Mia Sandy said her country, which shares a border with Ukraine, would introduce a state of emergency and was ready to accept thousands of people.

"We will help those who need our help and support," she said.

According to Radio Free Europe, Moldova's interior minister, Anna Ravenko, said on Thursday that 1,900 Ukrainian citizens have entered Moldova so far.

Hungary said it would send several troops to the border with Ukraine for security and humanitarian reasons. His Defense Minister Tibor Benko said on Wednesday that the country would prepare for tens of thousands of refugees if necessary.

Slovakia will send 1,500 troops to the border to help refugees as they prepare for the increased crossing.

Interior Minister Nancy Fesser said Germany would offer support to countries in Eastern Europe, especially Poland, "in the event of large refugee movements".

Poland has already made significant preparations for an influx of Ukrainians and local authorities have prepared a list of housing that could be used if thousands of people flood the border.

Following the Russian invasion, Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki called on "Europe and the free world" to "stop Putin".

"We must immediately respond to Russia's criminal attack on Ukraine," he said. "Today's European Council must approve the fiercest possible sanctions."

US Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield told a Security Council meeting late Wednesday that the Russian aggression could displace five million people.

She said a war could cause famine in other countries that depend on Russian and Ukrainian wheat exports.

"Russia's actions could drive up food prices and create even more desperate hunger in places like Libya, Yemen and Lebanon.

"The tidal waves that caused this war are unimaginable".

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