Random Acts of Kindness Day is celebrating people from all over the world in helping others

17th February 2022 is a national day where peoples good actions are appreciated and remembered

Random Acts of Kindness Day celebrates those who make the world better through simple gestures, words and actions.

This could be through helping your neighbor or helping the sick.

Or just giving a smile.

The North East is a major contributor to the Worldwide Annual Day.

Many locals are going the extra mile to help others with the same goal, 'being kind to others'.

Gateshead woman Christine Fraser, 39, has contributed to helping the community during the pandemic.

By picking up and distributing shopping, prescription, and hobby supplies, take calls from people who feel lonely and just need to chat.

She live streamed it on her Facebook page to reach a wide circle of people, to support them without even knowing them.

Christine said: "I had people I didn't know to watch my live Facebook videos, and it was nice to see how my use of social media could bring local people closer together.

“Mental health matters were getting worse, and I could see that a lot of support was needed in the community.

“My neighbours, who used to work in the hospital, were coming home after a long stretch and were exhausted.

"I was outside my house once, and I saw my neighbor back from work, I said hello from afar, and he just started crying, he said 'people are not dying of this virus but from their loneliness'."

She said: "I could see the mental exhaustion on NHS workers, and I really wanted to help those who helped."

The Mutual Aid organization helped her along the way, she said: "Through Gateshead Mutual Aid, I found a lot of support in reaching people. It's the people around me who have helped me do what I've been doing. Am."

"I used what was in the community, for help and support, I didn't have to go a long way. I didn't need the money, I just needed support," she said.

Because of this energy and commitment to supporting others and spreading positivity, which continues today, she was chosen as the winner of Gateshead's COVID Acts of Kindness Award.

Another group of local volunteers is using their time to help refugees and asylum seekers by holding weekly classes.

The World Cafe, a non-profit organization in Arthur Hill, is a place for refugees, asylum seekers and destitute families to meet and eat a cup of tea and cake.

The cafe is organized by volunteers and supported by the Newcastle Council of Faiths to promote peace and unity in the city.

The vision of World Cafe was launched in July 2021.

World Cafe volunteer coordinator Graham Wilkins said: "There are craft classes every Monday and English teaching classes on Thursdays.

“We help refugees and asylum seekers fill out forms and direct them to the right places for further support.

"Currently we are helping a family with two children who need a free bus pass to go to school and back home."

One refugee who attends the weekly classes said: "The Craft Group feels like a comfortable, safe place to be and without pressure."

Another refugee said: "Conversation tells me about your culture, makes me closer to you, don't have time to talk to anyone so I become more involved in your culture. You are all kind and lovely. Improves my confidence. I love it."

Crafting Connections Facilitator, Grace Gorman, said: "We invite anyone in the community who is interested in coming along and creating whatever they want in textiles.

"Crafts are just fun and fun, there is a purpose to bring the community together and bring people together. It's a neutral space."

Rachel Whitehouse, English for All-Volunteer Coordinator, said: "We are a charity and our goal is to support asylum seekers and refugees, learn English, and be open to anyone who has a place to go for education. Not there.

“We have been teaching English online since the pandemic and then moved here (World Cafe) in the autumn and we teach here once a week on Thursdays.

“It is great to be together and be collective; We want to make things better for everyone and work together as a community."

Another volunteer, Mymona Bibi, said: “The main objective is to be a part of the community and volunteer and build connections.”

On Random Acts of Kindness Day, people's hard work is honored by appreciating their time efforts to help others.

A young woman from Cramlington is distributing Valentines gifts at Freeman Hospital. You

Dudley's Callie Tully, 24, was hospitalized in December 2014 with a hole in her heart, where she had to undergo an emergency open-heart surgery.

Callie wanted to thank Ward for all his efforts since then in a critically ill condition.

For the past eight years, she has been giving presents during Christmas and more recently during Easter.

As for Valentines gifts, she said: "I've had twenty individual bags with personalized teddy bears, love heart lollies, a balloon on a stick for each child, and some large love heart balloons for the wards and the PICU and intensive care unit.

One of the parents of a young patient in the ward said: "Can't even begin to tell you what this means to us. Thank you very much. My daughters are recovering now and it makes our day." Kind of illuminating."

Callie said: "It's a simple act of kindness to brighten someone else's day, always try to be the rainbow in someone else's clouds, because someday you might need someone to be your rainbow. "

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