Priest who botched thousands of baptisms steps down after 25 years

Bless his heart.

An Arizona priest has voluntarily stepped down as pastor of the church after learning that he had received thousands of baptisms with a simple mistake during a line of text.

"I deeply regret my mistake and how it has affected many people in your parish and elsewhere," Father Andres Arango wrote in his letter of resignation shared on his parish website.

Gough came across as Arango - and possibly others - mistakenly used the pronoun "we", where he should have said "I" - as in, "I would baptize you in the name of the Father and the Son of the Holy Spirit." Am." According to the doctrine of the Church, it is the only orango ("I"), not the community ("we"), that is influenced by the power of God, thus ending the sacrament of baptism.

Now, church officials are asking their members to help locate "people in need of sacraments" to ensure their salvation.

According to the Diocese of Phoenix, Arango resigned his seat at St. Gregory's Catholic Church in Phoenix on February 1.

The news came as The Vatican recently issued a statement of clarification regarding baptismal protocol, effectively removing Fr. The Daily Mail reported on Monday that 25 years of holding the sacrament in Sant Gregory of Arango, where they started in 2012, and previously had churches in San Diego and Brazil.

The question prompted the Roman Catholic diocese to investigate its ministers for uncovering invalid baptism.

Meanwhile, his congregation is petitioning to be reinstated to their "transformative" faith leader, begging his diocese to "insist" on God's forgiveness and to "show [his] faithful what it means to be Catholic. What does it really mean."

The Diocese of Phoenix said in a statement on its website, "It is not the community that baptizes an individual and inducts them into the Church of Christ; rather, it is Christ, and only Christ, who presides over all the sacraments." Therefore, it is Christ who baptizes. The baptismal formula (word used in the sacrament) has always been preserved for this reason: it is therefore clear that we receive our baptism through Jesus and not by the community. "

Despite the explanation, some of Arango's followers have called on the church to practice what they preach. "Instead of giving Father Andres a chance to live in St. Gregory and rectify the situation, he is being removed from the community that loves and cares for him," he wrote in his petition. He claims that Arango led "many" children in St. Gregory to learn "the meaning of faith, community, and fellowship".

"Catholics are taught that God forgives, loves all, and has mercy on all," he said.

The Phoenix diocese has said that Arango "remains a priest in good standing," but will now focus on serving the church to correct his mistakes.

"With the help of the Holy Spirit and in communion with the diocesan leadership, he will devote his energies and full-time ministry to helping and healing those who were illegally baptized. He is one in good standing. The priest remains," writes the diocese.

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