February 22-Arrest Report
—David Bartley, 41, 65774 Woodbury Drive, Goshen, was arrested at 3:59 p.m. by Elkhart County Police for possession of marijuana, possessing paraphernalia, and driving with a suspended driver's license after a traffic stop on CR 17 north of CR 32 did. It's Monday He was lodged in the district jail.
Accident report
-Eric Leatherman, Goshen contacted Goshen Police at 9:25 p.m. on Monday to report an accident outside his residence near the intersection of Seventh and Washington Streets, which caused damage to two of his parked vehicles. After this, the driver of the other vehicle fled from the spot before the arrival of the police and without informing.
-David Gall contacted Elkhart County Police at 8:30 a.m. on Sunday that a vehicle hit a door at 23427 CR 45, Elkhart, between 7 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at 8:30 am. The vehicle then left the spot without informing the accident.
Theft report
—Clark Carpenter, 431 N. Ninth St., Goshen, told Goshen police that their garage was ransacked at 1:28 p.m. Monday.
-Emily Kaufman contacted Elkhart County Police at 1:25 p.m. February 17 To report that someone stole cash from a property at 25578 Thornberry Court, Elkhart, between February 13 and 8 am February 17.
-Marietta Miller contacted Elkhart County Police at 11:48 p.m. To report on Monday that someone stole his 2014 Nissan Murano while it was in 19811 Ind. 120, was standing in Bristol between 16 February and Monday.
Criminal misconduct report
- Amanda Luker, Goshen told Goshen Police that she found her vehicle was damaged while it was parked at 1310 Cedarbrook Court on Monday at 3.51 pm.
- Police were dispatched to 1800 block of Sweetbriar Drive at 9:10 pm. To investigate the report of firing on Monday. Upon arrival, police reported finding a nearby residence that had been hit by gunfire, although none of the occupants were reported to be injured.
—Nathan Butler contacted Elkhart County Police at 1:55 p.m. To report on Friday that someone had ransacked a property in 65736 Ind 15, Goshen between 11 p.m. Thursday and Friday at 8:40 am.
-Melanie Selner contacted Elkhart County Police at 3:21 p.m. To report on Sunday that someone ransacked her vehicle while it was parked at 54152 Ash Road, Ossola between 2:30am and 1pm. on 14 February.
Properties report received
—Tim Anderson, 61625 Ind 19, Elkhart told Elkhart County Police he found a handcuff in his yard at 8 a.m. Monday. The handgun was confiscated by the Elkhart County Sheriff's Office.