Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez flies first class from Texas

During the three-hour journey, AOC nestled into 21-inch wide seats with an extra 7 inches of legroom that coach passengers didn’t enjoy

This is a class act.

Socialist Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ditched the commoners in the coach and coaxed the elite into first class on an American Airlines flight, all the while for a spacious seat close to the cockpit after the weekend for comrades in the Lone Star Left wing avoided. state, an eyewitness told The Post.

The congresswoman was identified by a stunned tipster who took flight AA1405 on a Boeing 737-800 from Austin to John F. Kennedy International Airport last Sunday and was able to snap a photo of the AOC two rows down from her seat. Succeeded.

"I don't think anyone in first class knew she was there or that she had a celebrity," said the tipster. "She was also very secretive," wearing a large mask that covered half of her face.

An American Airlines one-way first class flight from Austin to New York City on Sundays costs between $400 and $600. Economy flights are $300 to $400 less.

During the three-hour journey, AOC added 7 inches of extra legroom with 21-inch-wide seats, which the coach passengers did not enjoy. Economic travelers had to settle for snacks and non-alcoholic beverages, while first class enjoyed full dinner service.

An airline representative said, "They get a choice of sandwiches with salads, sides, desserts. Wine is offered for free."

The square 'rebellion' is a facelift - at least publicly - for the AOC, who moved with her family from the Bronx to Yorktown Heights in Westchester when she was 5 years old.

"It's definitely different," said a man who knew the socialist early in his political career. At least the AOC was flying the coach at that time. "Her desires to enjoy the finer things in life have definitely changed."

"She lives above a Whole Foods and drives a Tesla, so she probably feels more at home," quipped a fellow AOC's Democratic congressman, while GOP Rep. Nicole Mallotakis accused the AOC of living a "luxury lifestyle while pursuing radical policies". Which will force its constituents to live in filth."

In September, AOC raised eyebrows for attending the Met Gala, where individual tickets went for $35,000 and tables started at $200,000. Among her guests at the infamous 1 percent-friendly soiree were billionaire heiress Benjamin Bronfman and Aurora James—a wealthy tax-evading fashionista.

Ocasio-Cortez rallied progressive soldiers in support of ambitious new "squad" members in San Antonio last weekend. Greg Kaiser, a former Austin city council member, is running for an Open House seat, while Jessica Cisneros is offering scandal-plagued incumbent Representative Henry Kueller a spirited primary.

While most polls use campaign funds for such trips, Team AOC declined to explain why they chose to fly first class, how much tickets cost, or who paid for the trip. Spokesperson Lauren Hitt said only that "no government funds were used on this flight."

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