Duluth Police: Remember to Clear Sidewalks of Snow

Duluth, Minn. - As the latest winter storm rolls out of Northland, the Duluth Police Department is preparing to enforce an ordinance to remove snow from the city's sidewalks.

Property owners who have sidewalks along their property are required to remove all snow and ice within 24 hours after the snow event ends. The department works with the National Weather Service to determine when enforcement will begin when snow stops falling.

John Otis, deputy chief of life safety, says this is needed so that people using the sidewalk to make their way around the city can do so safely during the winter months.

After the lapse of 24 hours, the department will start the investigation of the complaints received. Otis says there were recent changes to how they test checks to make sure people get extra opportunities to do their part.

“When we receive a snow complaint, our Life Safety staff will send a letter to remind people that they are responsible for cleaning up within 24 hours of the conclusion of the snow incident,” says Otis. "And then we give them some time to clear that snow before sending it out to an inspector to make sure it's done. If the snow hasn't been done at that point, we give the owner another We will send a letter requesting that they remove the snow before we hire a contractor to do so."

If a contractor is needed, the cost of their work will be paid by the owner of the property where it will be. They are often not needed this winter, Otis says, crediting the city's residents with helping others. "Duluthians are really good neighbors. I want to take this opportunity to remind (people) that if you're out on the snow, shoveling your sidewalk, clearing your driveway; keep in mind that There are people who are less able to do that. Try to be a good neighbor, help people if you can. Give them an extra hand if you can."

Otis also reminds people to remove ice from fire hydrants so the Duluth fire department can easily reach them when needed.

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